
Welcome to Our Jeevamrit


About Us

Explain to you how all this mistaken denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings. Mistaken denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system expound.

About Us
Contact Info
14 B kailash park geeta bhavan indore
+91 95841 60169
[email protected]
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Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak
Digest Sahayak

Digest Sahayak

₹400.00 /Capsule

DIGEST : 1 : to change (food that you have eaten) by a biological process into simpler forms that can be used by the body; 2 : to think over and try .

DIGEST: summary, outline, summa, précis, sum-up, recap, synopsis, brief; Antonyms of DIGEST: expansion, enlargement, amplification, supplement.

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